Hera Day Celebration and ATVP Fundraising this Saturday
Following in last year's success, we're meeting up at the Tavern Hall in Bellevue, WA on Saturday, March 23 to celebrate our patron goddess and raise funds for Alternatives to Violence in the Palouse.
As we all know, the Palouse is a wonderful place for many, many things but it does have fewer sources for fundraising than larger cities. Thanks to the generosity of our sisters - $375 has already been raised!
RSVP or donate in Evite
We love our Beta Chi Beta Sisters!
Thanks to all the wonderful Omega ladies who joined our Beta Chi Beta sisters earlier this month at Duke's Seafood Restaurant in Tacoma, WA. Many of our Omega alums live in the Tacoma area so Sigma Psi Sigma and BCB chatted earlier in the year about having a joint event. Jen Cisneros from BCB took the lead and came up with this lunchtime winner.
We had an absolute blast chatting away and eating delicious food on a rainy Saturday morning. Two sisters found out at lunch that they live less than a mile from each other! Stay tuned for another joint event later this year. If you're not on social media, here are a few more photos from that fun day that you may not have seen. Shout out to Jen Cisneros and Mary Kay Gropper for the photos! And remember: You can join more than one AXO Alumnae group!
Two Omega Magazine Covers in One Month
Congratulations to Omega Alums Susan George and Jen (Wohn) Steinhagen for their magazine covers this month!
Susan was celebrated by Forbe's magazine Breaking Boundaries: Top 10 Visionary Entrepreneurs to Watch Out for in 2024.
If you follow Susan, you know she's a multifaceted talent with a thriving social media business Media Marketing as well as a successful recording artist.
Jen was celebrated for her amazing Instagram @bookandchai account that shares book reviews, lifestyle tips, and her very funny story about the emergence of some man's feet sneaking into her seat space on a recent flight.